heart healthy foods

Do You Have to Diet Before or After Heart Surgery?

Heart surgery is one of the most critical types of operations that can be done on the human body, and it is usually only pursued if other, less aggressive treatments have been exhausted. To provide the optimum conditions for a successful procedure, preoperative and postoperative guidelines must be observed. One of those guidelines pertains to the patient’s diet. What to Eat Leading up to Surgery? Simply put, one of the biggest problems complicating heart surgery is obesity. The more overweight a patient is, the more difficult the recovery will be. Diets designed to help prepare a person for heart surgery, then, are often focused on losing weight. Time is of the essence, and the more time before surgery the patient has to focus on this goal, the better. If the patient has at least two weeks before heart surgery, they might benefit from emphasizing fruits, vegetables, low-fat protein, whole grains, and low sodium in their diet to help lose weight and lower blood pressure as much as possible. The total number of calories per day, on average, to consume pre-heart surgery is fairly low, at 1,200 to 1,800. Diet recommendations include more servings of fruits and vegetables than whole grains, proteins, or healthy fats. Restrictions are suggested for sweets, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners. What to Eat After Surgery? As with the pre-surgery diet, what to eat after surgery often leads to a leaner, heart-healthy diet. Recommended is a diet with extra omega 3 fatty acids, folate, vitamin K, magnesium, and unsaturated fats. On the other hand, it is not recommended that saturated and trans fats, high sodium foods, processed...

The Best Heart Healthy Foods

Heart Healthy Foods There are many different foods that can help improve cardiovascular health, but many people are not taking the proper steps to educate themselves about this information. Combinations of certain vitamins and nutrients are heart healthy foods and can ward off degenerative disease, as well as, different colds and viruses. Below will be a quick overview and list of foods that are known to improve cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol pressure, as well as, blood pressure. Salmon Salmon is incredibly rich and filled with Omega-3s (fatty acids.) It’s heart healthy and is great at regulating regular blood flow and exude anti-clogging qualities. High cholesterol levels tend to be an issue when people get older or do not eat healthy foods often. There is good and bad cholesterol but salmon is known to lower triglycerides (bad cholesterol) levels naturally. Additional fish options are mackerel, tuna, trout, and sardines. Walnuts Walnuts are also heart healthy foods and a great source of the healthy fats that we so often hear about. Small amounts (such as a handful) are more than enough to help regulate your cholesterol level. Additional options are chia seeds (great for boosting energy levels as well) flaxseed, cashews, and pistachios. Raspberries Raspberries are filled with Vitamin C, antioxidants and polyphenols that fight off cancer, as well as are an amazing source of fiber. Many darker berries exude the same qualities and are also heart healthy foods . Low and Fat Free Yogurts A great source of probiotics, and potassium – they can help regulate blood pressure as well as maintain cholesterol. These four heart healthy foods are great...