What is LIMA LAD?

What is LIMA to LAD? LIMA LAD is a life-saving coronary artery bypass procedure that involves the left internal mammary artery and the left anterior descending artery. It opens the heart’s blood flow, saving the life of the patient. Left Internal Mammary Artery The left internal mammary artery, or LIMA, is located on the left side of the heart. Often, fatty deposits and other blockages settle in the vessels around the heart due to heart disease. This blockage puts a strain on the heart and prevents it from pumping efficiently. Minimally invasive bloodless  heart surgery that creates a new route for the blood flow can be a lifesaving procedure. A thin catheter with a balloon tip is inserted into the area of blockage. The balloon is inflated to gently stretch the vessel and release the blockage. Left Anterior Descending The left anterior descending artery, also known as the LAD, is the most important blood vessel in the heart, traveling between the left and right ventricles at the front of the heart. It carries life-giving blood around the heart. Without the ability to freely flow through this critical pathway, blood cannot make its way around the body to carry oxygen and nutrients. LIMA LAD Dr. Ciuffo offers a minimally invasive version o the  LIMA to LAD procedure that results in a small scar easily hidden under the fold of the breast. If you or a loved one is interested in minimally invasive heart surgery and may be a candidate for LIMA to LAD surgery, contact our office for your...