Minimally Invasive

What Is Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery?

What Is Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery?

Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) has been a cornerstone in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD), providing a lifeline for individuals with blocked or narrowed arteries. Traditionally, CABG involved a sternotomy, a procedure requiring a sizable incision through the chest, but the landscape of cardiac surgery has transformed the way we cure coronary artery disease. Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (MICABG) Unfortunately, many patients are reluctant to consider Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass surgery and want to opt for a “cheap way out” (stents) that often commits them to even more trouble in the future. Here at Minimally Invasive and Bloodless Heart Surgery with Dr. Ciuffo, we will explore the significance, procedure, benefits, and advancements associated with minimally invasive approaches to coronary artery bypass surgery. Significance Of Minimally Invasive CABG Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery (MICABG) represents huge advancements in the realm of cardiac surgery. This procedure deals with badly clogged pipes (the coronary arteries). During MICABG, a new pipe (a bypass) is connected between the aorta (the equivalent of the main water supply) and the coronary artery segment downstream from the blockage (the “clogged pipe”). This bypass serves the purpose of bringing back a normal flow of oxygenated blood to the portion of heart muscle supplied by the blocked coronary artery The Procedure Patient Selection Not all patients are candidates for MICABG, and eligibility is determined based on factors such as the location and severity of coronary artery disease, overall health, and more. Anesthesia MICABG typically involves general anesthesia to ensure that the patient is unconscious and pain-free throughout the surgery. Small Incisions Instead of...

Can a Minithoracotomy Be a Minimally Invasive Procedure?

Can a Minithoracotomy Be a Minimally Invasive Procedure? A traditional thoracotomy is a procedure that allows a surgeon to access the chest cavity. When performing a minithoracotomy as a minimally invasive procedure, Dr. Ciuffo is able to reduce risk and recovery time. Thoracotomy A traditional thoracotomy involves an incision into the pleural space of the chest. It is often performed using spreaders to separate the ribs and breastbone, which may result in broken bones. The trauma of the surgery to the body makes it a difficult one for those with compromised immune systems or other medical conditions to undergo. This may limit the options for elderly or immune-challenged patients. A thoracotomy procedure can lead to weeks of recovery following heart surgery.   Minithoracotomy Dr. Ciuffo takes a different approach to heart surgery. When performing a minithoracotomy, he does not employ the use of rib spreaders or other equipment that leads to broken bones or a large incision. The incision is much smaller and in women may even be hidden beneath the fold of the breast. The surgical incision is made through the thin layer of muscle between the ribs. This minimally invasive minithoracotomy provides less risk for infection and a shorter healing time. It may be appropriate for patients who require aortic, tricuspid, mitral, aortic valve surgery, atrial myxoma, and atrial septal defect (ASD) repairs. Minimally Invasive Procedure Once the minimally invasive procedure is complete, the scar will be barely visible below the neck and away from the midline, near the side of the chest. Patients may resume normal activities soon after the procedure, depending upon their own comfort...

What is LIMA LAD?

What is LIMA to LAD? LIMA LAD is a life-saving coronary artery bypass procedure that involves the left internal mammary artery and the left anterior descending artery. It opens the heart’s blood flow, saving the life of the patient. Left Internal Mammary Artery The left internal mammary artery, or LIMA, is located on the left side of the heart. Often, fatty deposits and other blockages settle in the vessels around the heart due to heart disease. This blockage puts a strain on the heart and prevents it from pumping efficiently. Minimally invasive bloodless  heart surgery that creates a new route for the blood flow can be a lifesaving procedure. A thin catheter with a balloon tip is inserted into the area of blockage. The balloon is inflated to gently stretch the vessel and release the blockage. Left Anterior Descending The left anterior descending artery, also known as the LAD, is the most important blood vessel in the heart, traveling between the left and right ventricles at the front of the heart. It carries life-giving blood around the heart. Without the ability to freely flow through this critical pathway, blood cannot make its way around the body to carry oxygen and nutrients. LIMA LAD Dr. Ciuffo offers a minimally invasive version o the  LIMA to LAD procedure that results in a small scar easily hidden under the fold of the breast. If you or a loved one is interested in minimally invasive heart surgery and may be a candidate for LIMA to LAD surgery, contact our office for your...

FAQs about Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery

What You Need to Know About Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery   The Minimally Invasive and Bloodless Heart Surgery (MIBHS) Medical Center of Canton, OH maintains their leadership position in cardiovascular medicine by providing top patient care with the latest in surgical options, including Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery.   Why is Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery Only Offered at Select Medical Facilities?   The skills required for minimally invasive heart surgery must come from a team of highly trained specialists who are proficient in the responsibilities of a cardiac expert.   Will Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery Shorten My Recovery Time?   Yes. In fact, it will also be less painful. One of the many advantages of minimally invasive heart surgery is that you will have a much smaller incision which means less time for your wound to heal. When your body needs less time to heal, that considerably reduces your recovery time.   What Are the Disadvantages of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery?   The biggest drawback to having minimally invasive heart surgery would have to be that not every patient will be a good candidate. Fortunately, surgeons are always discovering new ways to apply the necessary techniques so that more patients can take advantage of the benefits of the procedure.   When Can I Resume My Normal Day-to-Day Activities?   You would have to consult with one of our surgeons for a precise answer because your medical history and your particular surgical procedure will be significant factors. However, most patients who have undergone minimally invasive heart surgery are normally able to resume normal activity within a few weeks. Strenuous activities...

How To Find A Surgeon To Treat Aortic Valve Conditions

When people face a diagnosis of severe aortic valve disease, it can be very stressful, emotional, and confusing. It’s easy to lose sight of choosing the best option. Dr. Ciuffo wants to share a quick guide to prospective patients to learn how to ask the right questions and find the right heart surgeon to fit your needs. Aortic Valve Conditions The most common aortic valve conditions Dr. Ciuffo treats are Aortic Stenosis (aortic valve is calcified and cannot open properly) and Aortic Insufficiency/Regurgitation (aortic valve is stretched and cannot close properly). If a diagnosis of one of these given, heart surgery will be needed. To learn more about your options, and specifically minimally invasive aortic valve replacement or repair — read the following questions. Questions To Ask A Potential Surgeon Am I a candidate for minimally invasive aortic valve surgery? And if not, why not? Do you perform this type of surgery? How many of these operations have you performed and with what outcomes? What type of valve or repair do you suggest and why? Could I talk to any of your previous minimally invasive valve surgery patients? An experienced minimally invasive heart surgeon would have no difficulty finding patients willing to share their experience with you. Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Ciuffo Today! To talk with the best minimally invasive heart surgeon, Dr. Ciuffo, call us today at (330) 363-1341 or contact us online and one of our minimally invasive heart surgery team members will be in touch with you...