10 Tips For After An Inoperable Heart Diagnosis

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a high-risk or inoperable heart condition, Dr. Ciuffo wants you to know that this may not be final. Dr. Ciuffo has ten tips to follow to make sure you understand your condition and know all of your options, so that you can continue living your life!

Heart Surgery Patient With Dr. Ciuffo

Image Source: http://www.ohio.com/news/local/mercy-medical-center-s-bloodless-surgery-program-draws-patients-from-across-country-around-world-1.550055

10 Tips For An Inoperable Heart Diagnosis

1. Ask both your medical doctor AND the surgeon to explain why your case is inoperable and write down all the details of his/her answer.
2. Obtain a copy of all your diagnostic study images (CAT scan, left heart catheterization, echocardiogram, EKG) along with their written reports.
3. Obtain all hospital reports, pertinent blood test results, other consultant opinions.
4. While you are collecting your information, call another heart surgeon for a second opinion and describe your condition and reasons why you were told you are inoperable.
5. Ask your doctors to communicate with your second opinion. Do not be shy about it. It is perfectly fine to question decisions that affect your life so much. Your doctors will be glad to discuss your case with another surgeon.
6. Set up an appointment to see your second opinion in person for a physical exam and a detailed discussion about your options.
7. This is your time to discuss the balance between risk and benefit related to an open heart operation. Keep this in mind: very often a surgical risk is way better than waiting for a miserable and earlier end of your life if nothing is done about your heart condition.
8. Get your family or close friends involved in the discussion to help you and support you in your quest and decision.
9. If your new surgeon feels a surgical option can help you, it is your time to go for it if it makes sense to you.
10. Never, never, never give up!!

Read Dr. Ciuffo’s whole article: http://EzineArticles.com/7343755

Call Now For A Second Opinion Consultation

Don’t wait. Call Dr. Ciuffo now at (330) 363-1341 or email him at gciuffo@aol.com to get your second opinion. Dr. Ciuffo has had great success with previously “inoperable” patients and would love to help you improve your quality of life and add years to your lifetime with a successful procedure.

A picture of Giovanni B. Ciuffo, MD wearing his Mercy One doctor attire.

About the Author

Dr. Ciuffo’s practice is presently located in Las Vegas, NV. He practices with his colleagues at the Nevada Heart and Vascular Center and he serves as the Director of Cardiac Surgery at the University Medical Center of South Nevada.

Board Certified:
American Board of Surgery
American Board of Thoracic Surgery