Heart Murmur

What Are Heart Murmurs?

What Are Heart Murmurs?

There’s a good chance you’ve seen your doctor listen to your heartbeat through a stethoscope and look for a heart murmur. Heart murmurs occur when your heart makes an unusual sound. Characterized by a whooshing or swishing sound between heartbeats, a heart murmur is often completely normal and has no cause for concern. In fact, heart murmurs are quite common and often present in healthy individuals without heart problems. Minimally Invasive and Bloodless Heart Surgery with Dr. Ciuffo is here to dive deeper into what a heart murmur is and what you can expect if you or someone you love has one. Types of Heart Murmurs In general, there are two types of heart murmurs, including: Innocent Heart Murmurs Innocent heart murmurs simply mean that there is faster blood flow through the heart valves but there are no problems. They may arise after vigorous physical activity or exercise and are widely seen in patients with anemia or a shortage of healthy red blood cells, or during pregnancy when the heart needs to work more than usual to support the baby. Innocent murmurs are also common in teenagers who are growing at a rapid phase. Abnormal Heart Murmurs Abnormal murmurs can be a symptom of a structural problem in the heart valve or another abnormality that was present at birth or arose later in life. An abnormal heart murmur may also be the result of a heart valve that narrows and hardens, which occurs as we age. It might not show any other symptoms and can only be discovered by a doctor in a stethoscope exam.  Symptoms and Causes of...