I’m 50 Years Old How Often Should I Exercise?

Exercise and Your Heart Health? Your health and how much you exercise should be something to consider no matter what stage you are in life. If you think about it in a way that a body in motion, stays in motion – it makes perfect sense. As you start to age, it becomes...

Target Heart Rate – What You Need to Know

Understanding Your Target Heart Rate Your heart rate is an integral part to how your body functions but can also be a way to tell if you are overexerting your body or not. Your heart rate or pulse has a standing level (the rate during normal activity) and a peak heart...

Good and Bad Cholesterol Defined

Facts about Good and Bad Cholesterol Many people have heard about good and bad cholesterol but do not realize that both good and bad cholesterol act in different ways. The thing about cholesterol is that it is unable to dissolve in your blood so it travels through...

The Best Heart Healthy Foods

Heart Healthy Foods There are many different foods that can help improve cardiovascular health, but many people are not taking the proper steps to educate themselves about this information. Combinations of certain vitamins and nutrients are heart healthy foods and can...