Heart Surgery

What is Atrial Septal Defect

Understanding Atrial Septal Defect The heart is broken up into four chambers and there are two on top and two on bottom. There is a condition known as Atrial Septal Defect and what that basically boils down to is there being a hole at the top portion of the chambers located on the top of the heart. The main concern with this type of condition, is that blood can actually leak into a part of the heart that it shouldn’t. When blood is pumped through our bodies, there will be oxygen-low and oxygen-rich blood. One side of the heart has one while the other has the opposite. When someone has an Atrial Septal Defect, the oxygen rich blood can be leaked into the oxygen low blood section. Natural Occurrence During Fetal Development This is a  ‘hole’ every child is born with because it allows for blood to stay away from the lungs before birth, sometimes this opening does not close though or can be larger than normal. The main cause for this is not known as to why it doesn’t close or is larger, but it can be accompanied by other heart conditions as well. Surgery is Not Always Required For those individuals who have Atrial Septal Defect, surgery may be required at times. It does depend on how it is affecting the individual and how large the opening is. If it is not making the heart or lungs work harder than it should, than most of the times the individual will be able to live a normal life. If surgery does need to be performed, this is typically...

What is Mitral Valve Repair – Heart Surgery Info

Understanding Mitral Valve Repair? If you have never had any heart concerns, palpitations, aches or pains – consider yourself lucky. Unfortunately, many people across the globe cannot say the same. Heart attacks are one of the leading ‘killers’ in the world and oftentimes, people could avoid such issues if they payed closer attention to their diet and exercised more. It cannot be stressed enough that incorporating a little bit of movement throughout your day, drinking more water and avoiding unhealthy foods can make such a significant difference in your quality of life. What is Mitral Valve Repair? So, you have been told that you have a heart issue and now it is time to have a procedure done. Your heart surgeon mentions the term mitral valve repair, but are not one hundred percent sure what it is exactly and/or what the procedure entails. Mitral valve repair is actually a minimally invasive procedure (which should ease some anxiety) and it is to help repair or completely replace your Mitral valve. Your heart is broken up into a few different chambers, your blood naturally will flow from your lungs into your left atrium. From there, the blood will be pumped and flow into your left ventricle…the mitral valve is located directly between these two chambers of your heart. It is solely responsible for making sure that blood gets into your heart. Reasons Why Mitral Valve Surgery May Be Required If you have visited your physician and they are stating that you will need to have mitral valve surgery – reasons for this might be as follows: The mitral valve has become...

Heart Bypass Surgery Risk

Worried About Heart Bypass Surgery Risk – You Might Be Surprised   Do you worry about heart bypass surgery risk? You don’t have to be worried, heart surgery is more common than you think.  There are many people worldwide who suffer from a wide variety of heart problems which may be caused from issues that they are genetically predisposed to. Heart issues also may arise due to poor diet and exercise regimen, or other health factors that have an impact upon one’s heart.   Complications that May Occur For those patients who have to undergo any type of minimally invasive heart bypass surgery, the risk factor associated is extremely low as is the list of the complications that may occur. If patients do experience complications, they usually consist of: Infection at the wound site, in the lungs, chest and urinary tract Stroke, Heart Attack Bleeding both internal and external Blood Clotting Blood Loss Temporary brain injuries What Minimally Invasive Surgeries Entail Minimally invasive surgeries are often performed with robot assistance or with a thoracoscope. These procedures include small incisions typically through the side (ribs) rather than having to cut through the breast plate for the issue to be addressed. Rather than one having to undergo open heart procedures, the use of cameras and precise utensils can assist the surgeons and remove blockages, so blood can flow more easily to the heart region. Instead of cutting through bone and muscle tissue – these minimally invasive options allow them to work around body parts to minimize down time while still being effective. Clearly there are risks associated with any type of...

Be on The Lookout for Heart Attack Symptoms

Heart Attack: Know the Symptoms We haven’t quite gotten to the times where we can completely prevent hearts attacks…. yet – and we never know if that day will come, but it is very important to educate yourself about the signs of heart attack symptoms.  You just might be able to one day save someone’s life, even your own. There is a wide variety of common symptoms of heart attacks which are, but not limited to: Be on the look for these Heart Attack Symptoms Extreme tightness and/or pressure within the chest cavity Aching and squeezing in the chest, spreading to the arms and possibly neck region Indigestion Numbness in the left hand (fingers) tingling sensations Fatigue Shortness of breath Sudden lightheadedness and/or dizziness Cold sweats Heart Attack Symptoms Change from Patient to Patient Not all patients will experience the same heart attack symptoms, if any at all. Heart attacks are known to be sudden and could be silent killers. It is always important to know your familial history and check your own blood pressure, know your cholesterol levels and take care of yourself the best you can. We only have one body – every step we take, counts. Some heart attacks may come on full force with a little warning, while others may just pop up out of what seems like nowhere at all. If you or a loved one is even remotely worried about the possibility that they/you could be experiencing a heart attack – don’t take any chances and contact medical personnel immediately. If aspirin is readily available – take some, to thin the blood out…it...

What is Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

A Deep Look at Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting There is a wide variety of surgeries surrounding heart issues and many people are not aware of the differences or what each issue may entail. Today we are going to focus on coronary artery bypass grafting and go into a little more detail about what it is and why it would be conducted. This particular type of surgery is intended to help increase the blood flow to the heart. Oftentimes patients may have poor blood flow due to bad eating habits, high cholesterol, clogged arteries, genetics, etc. Regardless of why – optimal blood flow levels are essential to the healthiest living for the patient. Maximizing Blood Flow and Oxygen Levels to Vital Organs We all know how incredibly important blood flow is to the human body, it carries oxygen to vital organs and helps us function properly. Without properly getting oxygen to these vital organs, there can be a wide variety of issues that arise. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is one of the most common heart surgery procedures performed to date. The main goals to be achieved from undergoing this type of procedure are: Improving pumping in the heart which may have been damaged during a heart attack Enhancing quality of life Reduction of angina and/or CHD symptoms Longevity and increasing chances of surviving Affording people the opportunity to engage in more physical activities While these are just a few reasons mentioned above, you can see how effective the surgery is once the patient has healed properly. The end results of undergoing a CABG procedure are amazing to say the...

Is a Bypass Open Heart Surgery

  Let’s talk about open heart surgery.  Many people worldwide have some concerns and health issues surrounding the areas of their heart. Whether it is high blood pressure or blocked arteries, there are very many different types of procedures that people can undergo in order to relieve pain, to ensure that blood is flowing properly to the heart, or relieve stress off of areas that shouldn’t be working as hard as possible. If you have gone to your doctor and they mentioned that you will have to go through bypass surgery, there may be some questions that arise – which is completely normal! Is it Open Heart Surgery? No, it’s not like open heart surgery that people think of when the whole chest cavity has to be opened in order to assess and fix the problems areas. Bypass surgery is honestly, just what it sounds like. An incision will be made in the chest region and you will be hooked up to machine whilst your heart is stopped. The bypass procedure will be conducted and then blood flow will start again. Oftentimes there are arteries that are blocked that are disrupting proper blood flow to the heart. Bypass surgery is generally used in those patients that suffer from heart disease (specifically when the coronary arteries are blocked.) The bypass surgery is like a detour for the blood to travel to ensure your heart is obtaining the blood that it needs to. Open Heart Surgery Substitutions There are such procedures called bypass grafts which will utilize properly functioning blood vessels from a different part of the body. These are removed...